Project B02
Motivation-dependent concept formation in the macaque and the human auditory cortex and related structures

Prof. Dr. Michael Brosch

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Voges

Dr. Ph.D Catherine Sweeney-Reed
B02 aims to elucidate neuronal mechanisms underlying the performance of auditory tasks, focusing on sensory and sensory-evaluation brain regions. We found that auditory cortex comprises at least two representational systems that reflect the entire task structure. In the 3rd funding period, we plan to address open questions regarding task performance, such as reward anticipation, anticipation and control of auditory stimuli, and corresponding (prediction) errors that may occur during task performance. Furthermore, we will investigate the degree to which our findings obtained in nonhuman primates can be transferred to humans.

Not only responsible for hearing: acoustic signals in the auditory cortex are found together with information pertaining to expected rewards and planned movements.